This Writerly Wednesday presents Stephanie Grey.
I like to put the interview up front to put a person with their book.
- What is your favorite marketing task that has resulted in a sale?
I had a book trailer made and pinned it to my Twitter page, Facebook author page, and website. That seems to have produced more book sales than anything else that I’ve done.
- What do you like about your publisher or why did you decide to Self Publish?
Wild Dreams Publishing is based out of Australia and was founded by fellow authors who took it upon themselves to create a company that they thought was best suited for an author’s needs today. The people behind the scenes are great! They’re knowledgeable, kind, and they really care about your work as much as you do so that the best version of your book is presented to the world. They make it available on multiple platforms and are currently working very hard to have book stores pick up their titles as well.
- What do you have under your bed?
My husband’s 100-year-old hunting rifle that his grandfather gave him is currently underneath the bed. Sometimes Tabitha, one of my cats, is there as well, but that’s only when she’s playing Hide and Seek.
- Are you a plotter or a pantser when you are writing?
Oh, I’m definitely a pantser! I finished my third book three months ago and thought I’d try my hand at actually writing an outline for the fourth one. After a month of trying to get it done, I gave up because it just didn’t flow for me or feel organic. I have a lot of respect for the people who have the patience for that, but it’s much easier for me to begin writing and let my imagination guide me along the way.
- Do you write in a bubble or do you prefer critique groups, writing buddies or other companionship during the process?
I’m part of a few writing groups on Facebook, but I prefer to write alone. I wrote one children’s book for my nieces and nephews and my dad did the illustrations, so I wouldn’t mind doing more projects like that. The kids loved the story and his drawings!
- When do ideas come to you and how do you capture them?
Ideas can come at any time, honestly. Sometimes I’ll see something and one will just pop into my head. For example, I saw a photo accompanying a news article and it spawned an entire book based on that one little picture.
- What is your favorite word processing program and what other tools do you use, pen, notebooks, white board, index cards, finger on fogged bathroom mirrors?
I use Microsoft Word to write, but I always have a spiral notebook where I keep handwritten notes of my characters and scribble ideas.
Writerly Wednesday Welcomes Stephanie Grey
Stephanie Grey can often be found writing at her desk, one of her cats curled up by her feet. She isn’t necessarily a crazy cat lady yet, but that’s only because of the limitations her husband has put on the amount of pets that they have.
She is a graduate of East Tennessee State University with a degree in journalism. Writing has always been present in Stephanie’s life. From a young age, she has been writing short stories for her family to enjoy. When she entered high school, she decided that she would one day write a full-length novel. She finally achieved her goal and completed her first novel, A Witchly Influence, that was released in the summer of 2017 by Wild Dreams Publishing. Her second novel, Division Tennessee, will be available in the spring of 2018. She continues to write and hopes to be able to share her stories with the world for many years to come.
Email, FB, Twitter links or addresses here.
A Witchly Influence
As a freshly-minted divorcee, witch Carmen Devereaux returns to her home town in North Carolina. With this decision comes another change in her life: Fate has decided that she is to become an Influencer, someone who guides others to the paths that they were meant to take. She is assigned to Abby Windsor, a young school teacher, as well as her own stepbrother, Finn Cleary. Along the way, she encounters several obstacles, including getting stuck in her own past. With the help of Lenny the Snowman, Egbert the Lobbyist Pencil, and a Muse, she is able to Influence Abby and her stepbrother, helping them find their way as well as her own.
The Gatekeeper (short story available exclusively for Kindle)
Eleven years have passed since Lucy found out that she is a Gatekeeper for spirits with the ability to send them to Heaven or Hell. A visit from her cousin, Mary, along with Mary’s infant son, Jack, rattles her world when she realizes that it’s more than just an evil spirit after the boy: it’s a demon. Lucy must battle the demon to protect her family, but will she be strong enough to stop her worst enemy?
Buy Link(s)
A Witchly Influence
A Witchly Influence Buy Link
The Gatekeeper
The Gatekeeper by Link Exclusively at Kindle
Stephanie, thank you for volunteering on such short notice to be featured on my Writerly Wednesday Blog Spot.