Life is a Story

Tell it Big

Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Calender Shopping

   2009 NaNoWriMo Winner
2009 NaNoWriMo Winner

That time of year has circled back around.  The Hero of the Year, Person of the Year, Biggest Goof of the Year and The Most Unexpected Event of the Year are going to surface during the next few weeks.  Time to get out those goal sheets and don’t take yourself too seriously.  I mean, don’t take me too seriously.

Did you hear Santa can’t get a flu shot? Yikes. Even if he got one, he wouldn’t be sufficiently immune for two weeks. That is two weeks of slobber, sneezes, and touching. But, aren’t most Santas, I mean, isn’t Santa one of the supposed immune, born before 1957?

Why has the Media chosen the Octo-mom as one of the most interesting persons of the year? Media has been terribly mean to this busy mother. I think she should have refused the title. Not that Nadia Suleman is not an interesting person, it is just hard for me to see America parsing out judgement in such a wishy-washy way.

American Thanksgiving is over for another year. Black Friday is almost over, too. We have shorter days, lower temperatures, thinner deer, deeper snow, and a about five weeks left before we have to change out our wall calenders. By the way, as always, I am thankful for indoor pluming.

During the next few weeks I will take stock of all the things I thought of doing, but never committed to getting done. I’ll look at all the new things I learned, those moments when I stopped everything to say aloud, “I did not know that.” I will try to come up with a good and economical answer to that pesky question about what I want for Christmas. I may even set some goals for the year coming.

I finished up my NaNoWriMo and ordered a ‘Winner’s’ tee-shirt. The 2009 Winner’s Certificate is in a frame. Now, I am back to work on a project that began collecting dust. I am researching domestic terrorism, child exploitation and other topics that may put my computer on some sort of ‘watch list.’

A quick summary of my accomplishments this year include:

  • Starting a Tarot Card of the Week Blog.
  • Starting a second blog.
  • Building a new website.
  •  Opening and maintaining a FaceBook Account.
  • Participating in NaNoEdMo and NaNoWriMo.
  • Taking a class in Branding myself, without disturbing the cattle or giving birth to eight children in one sitting.

I wonder what I should do next year? I don’t know, really, what are you planning? What did you accomplish this year? How did you do it? What happened that you never saw coming? Share it here. Comments are free.


