Life is a Story

Tell it Big

Oh, my Gosh is it May First?

Look closer and you will see my novel hiding out.

The sun came out today. Then it snowed. Now, the sun is out again. I have seen days start out at 60 degrees and end at 30 and I’ve seen them start out just above freezing and heat up into the 90s. I want to complain about our never-ending winter but when I turn on the national news I see the destruction left by tornadoes, the weatherman suggested were spurred on by our cold fronts reaching the warm air the rest of the country is experiencing.

Okay, the weather is out of the way. My April Contest is over. What can I say?

Wait! Wait! I spent yesterday afternoon repotting the houseplants that live at my north window. If being rootbound is an indication of doing something right during the winter, then my rather brown thumb is leaning toward green. I have corpses of bonsai trees in the breezeway that will testify to the opposite, they insist I killed them.

In any case, we dare not put flowers in the outside world until the first of June. Till then, the storms will come and go, the snow will gather and melt and this end of the world will resist summer weather as long as it can.

Jeepers is in the Dog House – Havan is Worried

I’ll be posting the May Contest very soon. The drawing will take place the next time Jeepers is here to draw the names. If you participated, thank-you!

Till I post again, don’t touch anything sharp!

Will these survive repotting?



