Life is a Story

Tell it Big



 30 October 1994 – 1 April 2013

Flying Free Now

Molly, our feathered family member, crossed over on April first and flies with the Free Bird Collective.

We kept her for 18 years.  We have many stories to tell.  Once, outside of Helena, she flew into a car and had to see an emergency vet.  One year we took her to Yellowstone Park with us and kept her half hidden because she had plucked all but seven feathers.


When we took her out and about people would always ask, “Does she bite?”

“Maybe, not today,” we’d reply and add, “all birds bite.”


Parrots are destructive and disruptive and ownership should never be entered into lightly.  A parrot will live longer that the average marriage.  And there will be a lot of for better and for worse.  Did I mention, parrots like to fling food and poop a lot?  They make a lot of noise and will choose a human as a mate before and after laying eggs?  They either cannot count or forget things quickly because I’ve never seen Molly go hunting for those eggs we snuck out of the cage when she was busy elsewhere.


It was always the family joke that if something happened to Molly, I would be named a person of interest.    My favorite threat was to put her in my blood pressure cuff and I’d add parrot spices to grocery lists.


I’d take it all back if I could.


We miss you, Molly.





