Life is a Story

Tell it Big

Writerly Round-Up (March 3 – 9)

Cup of Pens ClipArtWriterly Round-Up (March 3 – 9)


Welcome back to my Writerly Round-Up. This is a round-up of writerly links or comments from my email and social media. Enjoy them and send me an email if you see a link I shouldn’t miss.

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Writerly Round-Up

8 Reasons Why People Buy Books By: Andrew Rhomberg

Reason 6 – Makes Me Look Smart

Books are also status symbols, as Ben Evans, now at Silicon Valley’s leading venture capital group, Andreesen Horowitz, once pointed out to me. These are the books we put prominently on the shelf in the living room to say something about us. Often these are books that we have not actually read, but want the world to believe we have read.


Golden Donut Short Story Contest


The Writers’ Police Academy is pleased to continue the Golden Donut short story contest in 2016. The rules are simple—write a story about the photograph above using exactly 200 words, including the title (each story must include an original title). The image in the photograph MUST be the main subject of the story. We will not provide clues as to the subject matter of the image, or where the shot was taken. That is for you and your imagination to decide. Remember, though, what you see in the image absolutely MUST be the MAIN subject of your tale. (Go to the Website to see the Photo and complete rules.)


Essential Tools for the Writer’s Toolbox

This week’s post is reprinted from Writer’s Block, an online newsletter from the Loft Literary Center, Minneapolis

Tangible skills are easier to gather. They come from close reading, taking classes, studying other writers, practice, and good feedback. I refined my list of tangible skills to ten essentials, the “never leave home without them” toolbox. These are the craft skills that have taken me from beginner to published.


Dominique Raccah: ‘The Surprise Transformation in Our Industry’ By: Daniel Berkowitz

Raccah believes there is “a world of opportunity” in children’s and YA publishing, and “invite[s] us all to work together.”


Using Pine Trees to Solve Murders

Obviously a pine tree cannot become an actual police detective. For starters, they have no hands for holding donuts and coffee cups. Nor will their size allow them inside a Denny’s restaurant for a half-price meal of Moons Over My Hammy.

So here’s how it works…


National Black Writers Conference

The National Black Writers Conference is a public program that provides writers, scholars, literary professionals, students, and the general public with a forum for expanding their knowledge and reading of Black literature and for engaging in dynamic and spirited conversations, panel discussions, readings, workshops, and performances on conference themes and on future trends in the literature of Black writers.


Well, now, that wraps up this week’s Writerly Round-Up. Join me next week and send suggestions to me at

Don’t touch anything sharp!