Tag: suspense
Writerly Wednesday Welcomes Barbara Winkes
6. When do ideas come to you and how do you capture them? At all times–reading, watching TV, in the shower or in a restaurant. Or during the hours of the day I sit at the computer writing. I had a notebook with me on the last vacation I opened every now and then, and…
Writerly Wednesday Welcomes D V Berkom
2. Where did the idea for the work you are promoting arise? From a severely twisted dream that woke me out of a dead sleep.
Writerly Wednesday Welcomes D. V. Berkom
Our Writerly Wednesday Guest this Week is D. V. Berkom. Writer’s website: http://www.dvberkom.com Buy links: Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004Z1N2GE Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/bad-spirits-books-1-5-dv-berkom/1031038753?ean=2940012519399&itm=2&usri=d%2bv%2bberkom Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/63707 Bio DV Berkom grew up in the Midwest, received her BA in Political Science from the University of Minnesota, and promptly moved to Mexico to live on a sailboat. Several…