Tag: spring
March Contest – Where Do You Buy Your Books?
I am making up a new contest question as I type. I’ve kept to the reading topic. I’ve asked why you read and followed up with by asking how you choose a book. During March 2011, I am asking where you buy a book.
Winter and July – Spring Fever Complaints
So, busy people, what have you got going on in your life? Are you keeping up with your projects? Are you gardening? Are you shoveling snow? I wish someone would email a topic. Any topic, rated G. Then, you won’t have to listen to me complain about SNOW IN MAY!
Squirrels, Chickadees, Magpies and Busy Bees
Winter is over and I am joining the Black-Capped Chickadees, Robins and Magpies in new activities. The Quaking Aspens in the north yard are beginning to leaf out and will be fluttering furiously in Montana breezes in no time. The grass will need mowing and the turtle will be bumping at the side of her…