Tag: novel writing
It is the Third Week of 2011–Are you Getting it Done?
8 Easy Things To Do BEFORE You Start Your Novel We all start out with good intentions, well, mostly. It depends upon who does the judging. But in the end, it is up to you. I ran across an a blog post a few weeks back about starting that novel project. With three weeks gone…
A Trip to the Dentist or I am so Thankful…
Then, I was in the dentist chair, nice ladies and a gentleman dentist listened to my worries. Took some x-rays and I discovered I wasn’t going to die right there on a very used exam chair with an awesome view through the window of awakening aspen trees. They told me, some days, there are deer…
Winter and July – Spring Fever Complaints
So, busy people, what have you got going on in your life? Are you keeping up with your projects? Are you gardening? Are you shoveling snow? I wish someone would email a topic. Any topic, rated G. Then, you won’t have to listen to me complain about SNOW IN MAY!