Tag: damnation books
Writerly Wednesday Welcomes Angela Meadon
7. What is your favorite word processing program and what other tools do you use, pen, notebooks, white board, index cards, finger on fogged bathroom mirrors? I write my first draft in MSWord. Then I put it into PowerStructure during my first edit. After that I use PowerStructure until the novel is complete. I am…
Writerly Wednesday Welcomes Joseph Spencer
Joseph Spencer graduated from Southern Illinois University summa cum laude in Communications. He had a ten-year career as a newspaper journalist in Peoria, Illinois, Burlington, Iowa, and Grand Junction, Colorado. Now he works as an emergency communications 9-1-1 dispatcher in Peoria, Illinois.
Writerly Wednesday Welcomes Rudy Ch. Garcia
Where did the idea for the work you are promoting arise? Ostensibly, The Closet of Discarded Dreams about a world of dreams; two precursors influenced its creation: 1. I inevitably skip reading dream scenes because they lack verisimilitude. Chingau–they often bore into stupid! And since I relish challenges [like a dare to write about an…