Life is a Story

Tell it Big

NaNo What?

Not Now I'm NaNo-ing
Not Now I'm NaNo-ing

November First marks the beginning of an insane month of Novel Writing. It is a participation competition, a race that ends at the 50,000 word line. There are very few rules.

In a nut-shell, and you need to be a little nuts to do this, you start with word one on the first day of the month, end by wrapping up the novel toward the end of the month with at least 50K words, verify your word count,  collect bragging rights and a certificate online for your printing pleasure.

To participate in NaNoWriMo you need to be willing to start with maybe a weeks planning done during October. You need to be able to put old and current projects aside to work on something seat of your pants new. You have to be willing to write badly. There is no editing allowed during NaNo, instead, you can particpate in NaNoEdMo in March.

Being able to write without giving into the urge to delete, go back, research or correct spelling errors is an event of its own. I might do something really silly and want to go back and delete, instead, I change the color of that wayward text to match the background and go on. This keeps those words going toward the word count.

I use Dr. Wicked on those days I am really resistant to writing the suggested total of 1,667 words. I also use a Random Name and background generator to come up with ideas and characters.

I got the book, No Plot, No Problem by Chris Baty and review it in October and refer to it during NaNo as a sort of instant pep rally.

I change my voicemail to reflect that I am participating in a Novel Writing Competiton and I will get back to the caller sometime in December. I also advise them to call 911 if their heads are on fire.

I have a hat, cap, that says Not Now I Am Nano-ing. When I wear the hat, no one is allowed to talk to me, unless their heads are really on fire, or like in 2007, the kitchen stove is in flames.

Why would I do such a whack-job thing as attempting to write a bad novel in a one month span?

It is great fun. I like a deadline and knowing I can cast my shoulder vulture into a kennel, I mean my internal editor, for a month of writing vigorously, is great for my ego.

Sure, my NaNoWriMo project may never be published, my story might be lame, characters freaky, but I will come away in December feeling good about my attempt.

For two years I went into November like the Little Engine that Could, I think I can, I think I can. Two years in a row, I did it.

Does anyone want to buddy up with me as I make a run at my third finish line? I think I can.





2 responses to “NaNo What?”

  1. Peter J Knight (aka "Q") Avatar

    hey KC! (aka Sally Fr4anklin Christie) … just discovered your site — great job! Ans also your NaNo count is impressive. Reat of this evening I plan to hitch a few more words to my own NaNo — and then explore “Life is a Story – Tell it Big” (happens to belong to one of my favourite people; don’t know if you’ve heard , you amy have heard of it)


    1. Sally Avatar

      Well, dear Q, I am glad you made it to the site. Say hello to Mrs. Q for me. So far, this nano, nothing has caught fire, except maybe one of my characters. But, she is okay. I am thinking that while my project is very badly written, it may have parts worthy of revision. First year’s nano has been submitted here and there but last years project is never seeing the light of day. How is your’s going? And since you found your way to my site I realize I haven’t been to yours for a long time. I think when I was last there I saw a Pen. Forgive me.

      Sally AKA KC