Life is a Story

Tell it Big

My Trip to Old Navy, Bitters and Butter-beans

As I begin this post, the contest is still going on if you want to get your name in the drawing for a $20.00 Gift Card.


I started this week-end wanting butter-beans.  My darling husband brought home wax beans.  I’ll get back to this later.

For several weeks I have been touching my face.  It is hard to believe how many of us do it.  I mean touching our faces. 

I am also somewhat weirded out by how many times I dart my tongue out to check my chap-stick status.  This is why I notice the mysterious bitter taste. 

I spray the nasties from under my lap-top keys and today I noticed the chap-stick test was coming back stronger than usual.  So, I made the connection.  I retrieved my can of air and right on the label it says the stuff is flavored to discourage me from turning the thin white straw toward my uvula in a strange attempt to blow the germs and crud out of there.  Duh.  Strange but true, I have been bathing my keyboard in bitters and I touch my face far too often.


You also know, if you’ve been hanging around my blog, that I have been taking snapshots of my book at various locations about town.  The folks at Staples think this poses a security risk, so I don’t take my camera in there, anymore.  Nope, this time I wanted to get the famous plastic people who hang out in the Old Navy Television Commercials to pose with my book.

The store is closing, the going out of business kind of closing, so this was probably my last chance.  The staff was terribly busy so I got permission from the tall blond in grey sweats. 


That is me, asking the fellow.  He seemed not to be concerned.  So my DH stepped off to the side and I sort of posed in my fancy Montana Going out in the Freezing Cold outfit. 


There I am, holding the book, If I Should Die and planning a quick exit, just in case the yellow dog there wanted to initiate a game of tag with my DH. 


Back to the butter-beans.  Two days have passed and my Dear Husband found them.  They were hiding with the canned mustard greens of all things.  A regular person with a yearning for butter-beans would direct their Camera wielding DH to the canned foods aisle to search among the navy-beans, garbanzos and even the red chilli beans, but that was not the case.  The butter-beans have been captured, bought and I have a mug shot for future reference. 


While I go heat a can of butter-beans, go back at least one message and enter to win a $20.00 Amazon Gift Card.





One response to “My Trip to Old Navy, Bitters and Butter-beans”

  1. widdershins Avatar

    Love the uggies! … actually it looks like you’re doing the ‘A little more to the right.. no, no… a little to the left’.

    P.S. Beans straight out of the can or prepared some exotic way?

    P.P.S. If I sent you a case of butter beans, would that help my chances in the contest?