Life is a Story

Tell it Big

If I Should Die

I Have Some Really Bad Words and I’m Not Afraid to Use Them

Coming on November 7th

Yes, it is November, Nanowrimo, and I’m not afraid to write some really awful words.
Damnation Books bought Realms of Fantasy Magazine and Eternal Press published my book, If I Should Die.

 Yes, if you have an e-reader or don’t mind reading on your cell phone or computer screen you can pick up a copy at your favorite e-bookstore.
If you go to the Eternal Press Website you can buy my novel with a 25% discount. Be sure you are on my page, you’ll know you arrived because my cover will display. Buy it and during checkout enter the following code. 612JMZN67VZX

Back to the claim that I can write some very bad stuff, I am dumping the words from a very recent NaNo session. Sit back and watch me work. I am even leaving the spelling and typos in tact.

Arnica bought and activated a throw away phone. She didn’t have to use it. Cell phones made good props. If you made like you were talking to someone, giving info that would lead back to someone real, that trucker was far less likely to do any raping or killing on the way to point B.

Arnica knew how to choose a victim and she knew how to avoid becoming a victim. She left work that afternoon with one of the regulars and was headed north out of the big huge state of Texas by night fall. The temeperatures refused to drop below the misery mark.

Arnica slept very little as the road drummed under the truck’s tires. The driver talked very little, she would switch drivers as this one neared the end of his run. The thrumming and hissing and engion noises were maddening. Arnica wondered what kind of human being would opt for a job as full of the same old as driving from A to B and back again.

She slept for a while in the front as the driver climbed in back, leaving the truck running at a rest stop. The next morning he woke her while rummaging around. She excused herself and went up to use the rest stop women’s room.

A rest stop rest room in high Texas heat was one of the nastier places on earth. She felt nasty just hovering over the porceline to pee. At the sink she used some squirted soap on a wet paper towel to do her under arms. She rinsed her face, dried off and walked back to the truck.

“We’ll get something to eat up the road.” The Trucker said as she pulled the door closed on her side of the truck. Hissing and jolting and they were back on the road again. The day never cooled during the night and it was only going to get hotter.

End of Session

I told you I wasn’t afraid.  Keep checking in, you and I never know what slice of life I will tell but you can count on me to tell it big.






2 responses to “I Have Some Really Bad Words and I’m Not Afraid to Use Them”

  1. Zakgirl Avatar

    Made me smile, Sally. You are very brave posting your Nano effort. I am way too embarassed to post any of mine 🙂

  2. widdershins Avatar

    And just what was Arnica running to/from? You are going to continue the story, right?