Category: Uncategorized
Naked Corpses and the Other Side
I was in grade school when President Kennedy was assassinated. Although, I was a little kid and didn’t actually know the President, I consider him my first dead person. Everyone around me seemed affected by this death and the coverage on our snowy black and white television went on for a long time. I was…
The Turtle and the Bird
When I last posted about our amazing and smart box turtle I had a new respect for her as a pet and a species. Now, I am almost afraid of her.
The Big What If… Don’t hurry me!
No Johny Cash songs or tired out hymns should be played on the tacky sound system at our local mortuary. I want a few chants led by someone of the newer age leanings. A real, traditional, no fluff, wise woman should lead the service. If anyone begins to admire me I will rise up out…