Life is a Story

Tell it Big

Category: Uncategorized

  • My First Contest

    This new year I am giving a free email tarot reading to two winnesr of the following contest. The third winner gets a copy of my Novel, If I Should Die. Here is how it works.

  • If I Should Die hangs out with a Snowman

    If I Should Die hangs out with a Snowman

    Darling Husband and Jeepers Joined the Group.My Darling Husband and Jeepers wanted to appear with the Dangerous Duo…

  • The Germs, the germs. Germs Revisited.

    A few weeks ago, my darling daughter brought the three year old over before she went to work and mentioned he had a fever. Okay, the kid doesn’t drool any more but I still wanted to slather him in hand sanitizer. I hoped that having put at least a half century of cold and flu…