Life is a Story

Tell it Big

Category: Sally Heavy

  • Andrea Yates, Octo-Mom, Caylee Anthony and the Vole Problem In Montana

    On a more newsworthy note, it has been a great winter for voles in Montana. If you have vole trails and small mouse-ish creatures eyeing you, a farm cat it your best bet. I saw a lot of cats for adoption this week while my service dog and I were taking our public access test.…

  • Social Change – What Does it Mean?

    Social Change happens when someone figures out why there are so many homeless people and does something that contributes significantly to changing the situation. Social changes often take place through legislation. Organization. These things take time and energy, education and bravery. Organizing for social change is not an easy task. It is not limited to…

  • Some Achieve Greatness

    “Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them”. – Shakespeare, Twelfth Night