Life is a Story

Tell it Big

Category: Sally Heavy

  • Pity Pots and Validation

    With OI, these things happen randomly and unless a bone is poking out, we tend to complete our plans.

  • Rabbit Ears, Tin Foil and Boiling Water

    Television has changed during my lifetime. I remember when a tv was furniture. We had to cross the room to change the volume and the channel. If we did change the channel, we had to adjust the fine tuning and sometimes go outside to give the antenna a turn. Rabbit Ears, coat hangers and tin…

  • Throwaway People in the United States

    Having touched on these issues, is there anything anyone can do to curb these numbers? In my research of these problems I have not saved or identified a single victim, nor have I lessened anyone’s risk of becoming one of these missing people. I feel fairly powerless. Does public awareness cause social change? Does knowing…