Life is a Story

Tell it Big

A Trip to the Dentist or I am so Thankful…

     Yesterday I went to see a dentist. Tomorrow, I will go to see my Family doctor.
     By far, I have to say, I’d rather have a c-section, an appendectomy or yes, one of those lady exams rather than submit to the humiliation of a dental technician pulling out last week’s payday bar from between my teeth with an instrument used for torture in, was it the Marathon Man?
     On my way to the dentist, I had a few very stressful and imaginative moments. Like, what would happen if I was shot full of Novocain, had a tooth blasted open, raw to the elements, awaiting a filling and the dentist suddenly had a heart attack or even worse, a stroke?
     After that fleeting and terrifying thought, I ticked off the things I was thankful for. Topping the list is my Darling Husband, children, grandchildren and indoor plumbing, two other people came to mind.
     One person is going to be a guest at the Writer’s Chatroom on Sunday. Mary Rosenblum and the awesome Long Ridge Writers Group taught me how to refine, how to craft novels, short stories, articles and what makes a story as Big as Life.
     The second person that came to mind was Audrey Shaffer, from the Writer’s Chatroom. I participated in a workshop on Branding and Marketing that really made me understand what a platform is and why I should use my real name, put up a website and begin to blog regularly.
     Then, I was in the dentist chair, nice ladies and a gentleman dentist listened to my worries. Took some x-rays and I discovered I wasn’t going to die right there on a very used exam chair with an awesome view through the window of awakening aspen trees. They told me, some days, there are deer out there. I’m thinking, I’ll have to mention this in my blog.

     I have to go back, the first of June and on the way to the worn out chair, I’ll be ticking off more things to be thankful for and what I’ll write when I am safe at home again.
     Till next time, remember, Life is a Story!



